
Sandbox Definition


A Sandbox is designed to provide an all-in-one, self-contained development environment (the on cloud potion of it, in contrast to client side, e.g., mobile app, desktop client, etc.). It contains a definition which defines what's inside the sandbox and how to create/run a sandbox. It's composed using a structured schema which includes:

  • overview: a markdown template to render the customized information in the sandbox details page;
  • env: a list of sandbox-scope (applied to all workloads) environment variables;
  • workspaces: a Linux-based development environment with source code checked out, built and automatically launched as a service (often a micro service) to serve business specific functions;
  • dependencies: some commonly used services consumed by the workspaces, like MySQL, Postgres, Redis etc;
  • containers: a service launched using a container image;
  • volumes: additional volumes to be attached to containers;
  • endpoints: a DNS name exposed to the Internet and when accessed, the traffic is routed to a workspace based on the rules (e.g. HTTP routing based on path);
  • resources: a list of resources to be managed with sandbox lifecyle;
  • customizations: additional customization capabilities for the convenience of using the sandbox.

A brief example represented in YAML:

overview: |
  This sandbox is an example.
- APP_NAME=example
- INSTANCE_TYPE=t2.micro
workspaces:            # Specifies all workspaces.
- name: frontend       # Workspace name which is also used as the hostname in a sandbox.
  checkouts:           # Specifies how to checkout source code.
  - path: src/frontend # The local path relative to $HOME to checkout source code.
      github:          # Checkout from GitHub (GitHub integration required).
        org: sample    # GitHub org name.
        repo: frontend # Repository in the org.
  packages:            # Specifies the toolchains to be side-loaded.
  - name: nodejs
    version: '14.15.4'
  ports:               # Specifies the ports exposed by this workspace.
  - name: http
    port: 3000
    protocol: HTTP/TCP
  base_snapshot: base/frontend # The snapshot to restore the root filesystem.
  home_snapshot: home/frontend # The snapshot to restore files in home directory.
    readiness:         # Specifies readiness probes.
    - name: http
        port: 3000
        path: /
- name: backend
  - path: src/backend
        org: sample
        repo: backend
  - name: golang
    version: '1.17.2'
  - name: api
    port: 8080
    protocol: HTTP/TCP
  base_snapshot: base/backend
  home_snapshot: home/backend
    readiness:         # Specifies readiness probes.
    - name: http
        port: 8080
        path: /
  port_forward_rules:  # Forward local ports to a workspace/dependency.
  - local: "6379"      # The local port, must be a string.
      target: redis
      port: redis
  wait_for:            # The list of workload names to wait for the readiness.
  - mysql
    - name: assistant
        cmd: /opt/assistant/bin/assistd
        cmd: ./
        dir: scripts
      max_retries: 3
      require_build: true
      timeout: 30m
      ... # Same schema as on_create.
      ... # Same schema as on_create.
      ... # Same schema as on_create.
dependencies:          # Specifies all dependencies required in the sandbox.
- name: mysql          # Dependency name which is also used as the hostname in a sandbox.
  service_type: mysql  # What kind of service the dependency provides.
  version: '8'         # The specific version of the service, optional.
    database: app
- name: redis
  service_type: redis
- name: sqlpad
  image: sqlpad/sqlpad:latest
  - 'SQLPAD_CONNECTIONS__mysql__name=mysql'
  - 'SQLPAD_CONNECTIONS__mysql__driver=mysql2'
  - 'SQLPAD_CONNECTIONS__mysql__host=mysql'
  - 'SQLPAD_CONNECTIONS__mysql__database=app'
  - 'SQLPAD_CONNECTIONS__mysql__username=root'
  - name: sqlpad
    path: /var/lib/sqlpad
  - mysql
- name: sqlpad
endpoints:             # The endpoints exposed to Internet.
- name: app            # Endpoint name which is used as part of the DNS name.
  http:                # This is an HTTP endpoint.
    routes:            # The HTTP routing rules.
    - path_prefix: /   # Matches all paths.
      backend:         # Route to the specified workspace and port.
        target: frontend
        port: http
- name: aws
  brief: Dev Resources on AWS
    workspace: dev
    dir: deploy/tf
      timeout: 600s
        instance_type: '$INSTANCE_TYPE'
- env:
    display_name: EC2 Instance Type
      - t2.micro
      - t3.medium
      - t3.large
- flavor:
    name: slim
    - sqlpad
    - aws



This defines an optional markdown template for rendering an informational section in the sandbox details page.

The template follows the guide for the syntax, with the following predefined variables:

Variable NameDescriptionOrgSandbox
org.nameThe name of current org.SupportedSupported
user.emailEmail of current user.SupportedSupported
sandbox.nameName of the current sandbox, if applicable.Supported
sandbox.createdAtSandbox creation time, if applicable.Supported
sandbox.updatedAtThe last updated time of the current sandbox, if applicable.Supported
sandbox.templateThe associated template's name of the current sandbox, if applicable.Supported
sandbox.ownerThe owner of current sandbox, if applicable.Supported
endpoints.[endpoint-name].urlThe full URL of an endpoint. If there is no endpoint named as endpoint-name, the variable is deemed as unknown one.Supported
endpoints.[endpoint-name].dnsThe DNS part of an endpoint. If there is no endpoint named as endpoint-name, the variable is deemed as unknown one.Supported
resources.[name].state....Referencing the value of the saved state of a resource.Supported

For example, a Template with:

overview: |
  # Sandbox Notes

  - Sandbox name: {{}}
  - Last updated: {{sandbox.updatedAt}}
  - Owner: {{sandbox.owner}}
  - Template: {{sandbox.template}}

  For unknown variable, we display {{unknown}}

will generate the following section in the sandbox details page:

# Sandbox Notes

- Sandbox name: sandbox-name
- Last updated: 2022-01-01
- Owner: sandbox-user
- Template: example-template

For unknown variable, we display


A list of sandbox-scoped environment variables which will be applied to all workspaces.


A workspace is a Linux-based development environment which runs services by automatically checking out source code, building and launching. A developer is able to access the workspace using SSH, WebIDE etc remotely and debug the service live.

A workspace is defined with the following information:

  • checkouts: how to checkout source code;
  • packages: the toolchains to be side-loaded;
  • ports: the ports exposed by the workspace;
  • snapshots: the snapshots used to restore files;
  • probes: the readiness probes;
  • port forwarding: port-forwarding from the workspace to other workspaces, dependencies or containers;
  • env: environment variables applied to the current workspace;
  • system: system configurations, like daemons etc;
  • wait for: define the runtime dependencies;
  • access restriction: define the workspace Restricted mode;
  • lifecycle : the workspace level lifecycle hooks.


A checkout defines the rule to checkout source code from one repository, with all properties shown below:

checkouts:           # Specifies how to checkout source code.
  - path: src/frontend # The local path relative to $HOME to checkout source code.
      # Only one of the following sources can be specified:
      # Using GitHub integration.
        org: sample    # GitHub org name.
        repo: frontend # Repository in the org.
      # Or using direct git checkout.
      # The value is a URI accepted by "git clone"
    # Optional version specification for checkout.
    version_spec: branch # or tag, or commit hash

    # Do not checkout submodules recursively.
    # Default is false.
    disable_recursive_checkout: true
    # Limit the checkout history.
    # Specify this helps significantly speed up checkout when
    # working with large repositories.
      # The history depth. This value is passed as-is to
      # git flag --depth.
      depth: 10
      # Checkout history no earlier than the specified time.
      # This value is passed as-is to git flag --shallow-since.
      since: '2022-01-01'

    # Manifest overrides.
      - name: alternate
      - file: dir/filename.yaml
      - content: |
                cmd: yarn run start-alternate

The local path of a working copy and remote are defined by path and repo. The value of path is relative to home directly ($HOME). The repo property specifies one (and only one) of the supported methods to perform the checkout operation:

  • github: this can only be used when the org completes GitHub Integrartion, and the GitHub organization name and repository name are specified;
  • git: use direct git clone to perform checkout. The value is passed to git clone. Based on the URI, credentials may be pre-configured (e.g. using git@... requires the managed public key (use CLI cs info to display it) of the developer to be registered in the git source control service provider.

If version_spec is unspecified, the code is checked out from the default branch (master or main - for GitHub). Otherwise, it can be specified using one of

  • a branch name
  • a tag name
  • a commit hash

If the repository contains git submodules, they are automatically checked out unless disable_recursive_checkout is set to true.

The property manifest is used as a mechanism to skip the Repo Manifest sits in the code base (file .sandbox/manifest.yaml) and use the overlays specified inline which are merged to generate a final manifest. There are 3 ways to define an overlay:

  • name: the value specifies an alternative filename in .sandbox folder, so file .sandbox/$(name).yaml will be loaded;
  • file: the full path of the file inside the source repo to load, so the file may sits in a folder other than .sandbox;
  • content: the inline content of the Repo Manifest.

The overlays are merged using the following rules:

  • env: environment variables are replaced by the variable name;
  • hooks: the hook definition is replaced completely by hook name;
  • daemons and jobs: the daemon/job is replaced completely by the name.
Manifest Override Examples

Assume in the source code, the file .sandbox/manifest.yaml contains:

- BACKEND_URL=http://backend:8080

      cmd: ./
      - SERVER_KEY=abc
  1. Completely replace the manifest

In checkout, define the following:

# Manifest overrides.
      - content: |
                cmd: yarn start

Because manifest is specified in checkout, the .sandbox/manifest.yaml is skipped. And the final result will be that defined in checkout.

  1. Override environment and the daemon

In checkout, define the following:

# Manifest overrides.
      - name: manifest  # Load .sandbox/manifest.yaml
      - content: |
          - BACKEND_HOST=localhost
          - BACKEND_URL=http://$BACKEND_HOST:8080
                cmd: ./ --backend-as-remote

In the example, the first overlay loads the default manifest (it was skipped as manifest is specified. however now it's explicitly loaded), and the next overlay specifies the overrides. According to the rule, env are replaced by variable name, and daemons are replaced by name, so the result manifest is:

- BACKEND_HOST=localhost

      cmd: ./ --backend-as-remote

Note: environment SERVER_KEY no longer exists because daemon.server is replaced completely.

  1. Use alternative manifest file

In checkout, define the following:

# Manifest overrides.
      - name: alternate  # Load .sandbox/alternate.yaml
      - name: patch1     # Load .sandbox/patch1.yaml
      - file: config/env.yaml # Load config/env.yaml

The above example will generate a final manifest by merge .sandbox/alternate.yaml, .sandbox/patch1.yaml and config/env.yaml together using the merge rules.


Based on the programming language and common tools required by the source code inside a workspace, a package containing toolchains can be side-loaded into the workspace without additional installation. A list of supported packages can be found in web console, or CLI cs packages list.

In most cases, the environment PATH will be updated so the executables can be directly launched from a shell or scripts. However, changing packages after a sandbox being created (this should be uncommon) may not populate the environments of already running processes, including SSH sessions, WebIDE sessions (including VSCode remote sessions).


The property ports defines the exposed ports of the workspace. This is important information that the sandbox system will be aware of the service exposed by the workspace and how to route the traffic:

  • name: a name to reference the port, e.g. referenced in endpoint's HTTP routes;
  • port: the number of the port;
  • protocol: the protocol running on the port, specified in L7/L4 or L4 format. The supported L4 protocols are TCP and UDP. If L4 is TCP, L7 can be one of:
    • HTTP: the plain text HTTP protocol;
    • HTTPS: HTTP over TLS;
    • GRPC: the gRPC protocol over HTTP/2;
    • H2: the HTTP/2 protocol;
    • H2C: the plain text HTTP/2 protocol.

Although protocol is optional (default is TCP), it's highly recommended specifying it explicitly. Some features require a specific value of protocol, e.g. HTTP/TCP.


Snapshots can be restored during workspace creation in two tiers, all optional:

  • base_snapshot: when specified, the snapshot is used to restore the workspace's root filesystem, excluding /home and some other temporarily folders (e.g. /tmp); A custom container image from a public container registry can be used with prefix oci://, e.g.
    • oci:// (pulled from
    • oci://example/image:tag (pulled from docker hub)
      There are requirements about building a custom container image to be used as a base snapshot. Please read Custom Container Image as Base Snapshot below for more details.
  • home_snapshot: when specified, the files from that snapshot are extracted to the owner's home directory ($HOME, it's /home/owner in most cases).

Snapshots are only restored during workspace creation time. Future changes of the snapshots after a sandbox is created will not be applied to workspaces.

Custom Container Image

A custom container image can be used as a base snapshot, if the image is built with:

  • bash
  • git
  • rsync
  • jq
  • iptables (if docker daemon will run inside the workspace)
  • sudo with password-less config
  • UID/GID of 1000/1000 is not used

Here is an example of a minimal Dockerfile to build a custom container image:

FROM ubuntu:22.04
RUN apt-get update && \
    DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y tzdata locales locales-all sudo git rsync iptables && \
    update-locale LANG=en_US.UTF-8 && \
    sed -i -r 's/^(%sudo\s).+$/\1ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL/g' /etc/sudoers
Home Skeleton in Base Snapshot

During the initial setup of a newly created workspace, following standard, the home directory is created using the skeleton from /etc/skel. By leveraging the skeleton folder, the base snapshot may contain the content for home directory and thus reduce the need of a home snapshot. The sandbox system will look up the skeleton from the following folders and use the first one it found:

  • /etc/skel.sandbox
  • /etc/skel

If not found, an empty home folder is created.

Startup Scripts

After the home directory is set up, the sandbox system looks up the following scripts and execute in order (when available) every time a workspace starts up:

  • /etc/sandbox.d/setup
  • ~/.sandbox/setup


Probes define extra mechanisms to determine whether the services in the workspace is ready or not, with the capability to leverage business specific logic. A probe definition requires exact one of 3 supported methods:

  • command: a full command line (interpreted by $SHELL -c) run from / as root during every sampling cycle, and the success of the command (exit code 0) indicates a positive result of the probe;
  • tcp_port: a numeric port (not necessary to be a port from the ports section) that a TCP connection will be attempted during every sampling cycle, and the success of connect indicates a positive result of the probe;
  • http_get: port specifies a numeric port (not necessary to be a port from the ports section) and path specifies an HTTP path in the request so that an HTTP GET request will be issued during every sampling cycle. The HTTP status code 2xx indicates a positive result of the probe.

Additional properties are available to alter the parameters for sampling:

  • interval: duration in the formation of SSSs where SSS is in seconds and suffixed by character s representing the unit. It specifies the interval between two sampling cycles in seconds;
  • positive_threshold: number of consecutive positive results to turn the current state to positive;
  • negative_threshold: number of consecutive negative results to turn the current state to negative;
  • initial_delay: duration in the formation of SSSs where SSS is in seconds and suffixed by character s representing the unit. It specifies the duration the probe will not start to evaluate since the creation of the workspace;
  • initial_negative_threshold: number of consecutive negative results to yield a negative state during initialization (specifying 0 here will use a default value which may not be 0).

Some examples of probe definitions:

    readiness:         # Specifies readiness probes.
    - name: http
        port: 8080
        path: /
    - name: ok
      command: '/usr/bin/status'
      interval: 60s    # Run every minute.
    - name: port
        port: 8000
      initial_delay: 300s
      positive_threshold: 1 # as soon as the connection can be established, signal positive.
      negative_threshold: 3 # signal negative only after 3 consecutive failures.

Local Port Forwarding


- name: work
  - local: '6379'
      target: redis
      port: redis
  - local: '/run/backend.sock'
      target: backend
      port: api
- name: backend
  - name: api
    port: 8080
    protocol: HTTP/TCP
- name: redis
  service_type: redis

The property port_forward_rules maps a port (or a unix domain socket) on localhost to an exposed port on a workspace or a dependency in the same sandbox.

This feature is designed for 2 purposes:

  • Provide optional information about the dependencies of the current workspace;
  • Minimizing the change of code expecting a local-only environment (with dependencies configured on localhost).

However, a more cloud-native approach is using service linking and avoid accessing localhost with ports defined in port_forward_rules. When using service linking, a dependency can be resolved using environment variables:


These environment variables are available in every workspace. In the backend workspace example above, the port_forward_rules can be avoided if the source code accesses redis using $REDIS_SERVICE_HOST:$REDIS_SERVICE_PORT.

In the extent of using port_forward_rules, the local property can be defined in one of the following forms:

  • PORT: the port number listening ONLY on localhost;
  • +PORT: the port number listening ONLY on the primary network interface (e.g. eth0);
  • *PORT: the port number listening on ALL network interfaces;
  • /PATH: the absolute path of a unix domain socket.

The remote property specifies the destination. target is the name of the destination service (name of a workspace, dependency or a container), and port is the name of the port exposed by the destination service. If it's a dependency, the port name can be found by cs depsvc list or from

Workspace Environment Variables

A list of environment variables applied to the current workspace, based on the built-in and sandbox-scoped environment variables.

Workspace System

Configurations on the system level, like daemons and/or files.

- name: example
    - name: foo
        cmd: /opt/foo/foo
        dir: /opt/foo
        - FOO=BAR
     - path: /etc/sandbox.d/setup
       mode: '0755'
       overwrite: true
       content: |
         echo "Setting up workspace"
     - path: ~/.sandbox/setup
       mode: '0755'
       overwrite: true
       content: |
         echo "Setting up for user"
     - path: /work/placeholder
       owner: '1000:1000'
       template: |
         SANDBOX={{env "$SANDBOX_NAME"}}
     - path: ~/.env
       symlink: /run/sandbox/fs/secrets/shared/dotenv
     - path: ~/.foo/credentials
       mode: '0600'
         name: foo-creds

This defines a background process foo to be launched when workspace starts. This runs before any checkout/build hooks to provide support as part of the workspace system. The processes defined here will be launched and monitored. It's restarted if it stops.

The definition is equivalent to individual YAML files in the /etc/sandbox.d/daemons folder. For example, the above daemon can be defined in a file /etc/sandbox.d/daemons/foo.yaml (this can be baked into a base snapshot):

name: foo
  cmd: /opt/foo/foo
  dir: /opt/foo

The files section defines the injections to the workspace file system. The path specifies the absolution path (must be an absolute path, or starts with ~/ to indicate inside the home directory) in the workspace. When the path starts with ~/, it's inside the home directory, and the default ownership will be owner:owner (or 1000:1000) rather than root. The ownership can always be specified using owner (the value must be UID:GID). The content of the file can be exact one of the following:

  • content: a plain text file;
  • template: the content is rendered using the specified Go template. There are special functions to be used for:
    • {{ env "STRING" }} perform env expansion on STRING. For example, the STRING can be something like The sandbox $SANDBOX_NAME is owned by $SANDBOX_OWNER_EMAIL which contains multiple env expansions. Keep in mind, the STRING is not the env name, use $ to expand an env in the STRING;
    • {{ secret "NAME" }} to extract the content of the specified shared secret NAME.
  • symlink: path specifies a symbolic link, and the target is specified as the value here;
  • secret: the content is from the shared secret.

The mode can be used to specify the permission of the file/directory. Please quote the value as a string, otherwise YAML will interpret it incorrectly. If mode is unspecified, the system will use 0755 for directories and 0644 for files.

The overwrite flag specifies the content of the file must match what's being specified exactly in the template. If the file/symlink exists with different content, it will be overwritten. If this flag is false (or unspecified), the existing file/symlink will not be touched.

Wait For

A list of workload names (also including resource names) to be specified that the workspace doesn't start any daemons before those are ready (depending on the readiness probes). This introduce dependencies between the workloads and resources, cyclic dependencies are not allowed.

Access Restriction

Specify the workspace should run in the Restricted Mode that only org-admin is able to access it (over SSH, Web Terminal, WebIDE, Remote Desktop etc), and secrets with access restriction set to Admin Only will be mounted.

- name: example
    life_time: STARTUP

The life_time can be one of the values:

  • STARTUP: the workspace is created in Restricted mode, and can exit later at any time up-on request by any user who has Update permission to the sandbox. Once the workspace exits the Restricted mode, it can never get back to Restricted mode again, and secrets with access restriction set to Admin Only will be unmounted;
  • ALWAYS: the workspace is created in Restricted mode and can't exit.

The restriction setting is permanent once the workspace is created and won't be changed even the Sandbox Definition is updated.


Add additional hooks to be executed during special sandbox lifecycle events:

  • on_create: the hook will be executed during sandbox creation, after all setup tasks (e.g. checkout, build etc) are completed;
  • on_suspend: the hook will be executed before the sandbox is being suspended. Failure of the hook will prevent the sandbox from being suspended;
  • on_resume: the hook will be executed after the sandbox is resumed;
  • on_delete: the hook will be executed before the sandbox is being deleted. Failure of the hook will prevent the sandbox from being deleted.

In the case of lifecycle hook failures, the sandbox/workload will not be able to move the next lifecycle state. In this case, the workspace is still accessible, so the owner is able to troubleshoot. After that, either use the UI or CLI to resolve the failure and let the lifecycle transition move on.

All lifecycle failures except on_suspend still allow sandbox auto-suspension of there's no activities. After resume the failure will be restored and requires resolution, unless on_resume failed, in which case, the previous failure will be replaced by on_resume failure.

The lifecycle hooks are executed in respect to the implicit/explicit dependency relationships between the workloads and resources. For example, workspace A has a wait_for including workspace B, so A.on_create/A.on_resume will be after B.on_create/B.on_resume, and A.on_suspend/A.on_delete will be before B.on_suspend/B.on_delete. Within resources, when use_workspace is defined, it's an implicit dependency between the resource and the workspace. The resource's on_create/on_resume will be after the workspace's on_create/on_resume, and vice versa for on_suspend/on_delete.


The section dependencies lists the well-known services to be added to a sandbox and consumed by the other workloads. A dependency is a service managed by the sandbox system and deployed in sandboxes for development purpose (single instance, non-clustered, no HA, no backup). To get a list of currently supported dependencies, visit the web console or run CLI cs dependency-service list.

When defining a dependency, properties name and service_type are mandatory.
The property name specifies the name of the dependency, and it's also used as the hostname inside a sandbox network to reach to the service. The environment variables for service injection will be generated per workspace using the name.
The property service_type specifies the actual type of the dependency (checkout from web console or run CLI cs dependency-service list).
The property version specifies a version explicitly. Otherwise, a default version (defined by the dependency service) will be used.
The property snapshot optionally specifies the name of a snapshot to restore during the creation of the dependency, if snapshot functionality is supported.
The property properties optionally defines a key/value map to provide parameters for creation the dependency. The definition of key/value pairs are dependency specific. Here is a list of properties defined by the currently supported dependencies (or find out using CLI cs dependency-service show SERVICE_TYPE):

Service TypeProperty KeyDescription
mysqlroot-passwordThe initial password of root. Default is empty (no password required for root).
usernameThe regular user to be created.
passwordThe password for the regular user. It's only used if username is specified.
databaseThe database to be created and grant access to the regular user (if username is specified).
postgresusernameThe regular user to be created.
passwordThe password for the regular user. It's only used if username is specified.
databaseThe database to be created and grant access to the regular user (if username is specified).
mongodbreplicasetThe name of replicaset. If specified, the single-instance mongodb server will be configured as a single-instance replicaset.
redispersistenceIf specified, turn on persistence. Use one of the values:

- appendonly: persist data using append-only file;
- rdb: persist data using RDB.
saveThe save configuration, in the format of SECONDS CHANGES; SECONDS CHANGES .... Example: 900 1; 300 10; 60 10000.
clusterIf the value is yes (or y), true (or t), (note, must be a quoted string when define in YAML), configure the single-instance redis to be a single-instance redis cluster (the single instance covers all partitions).
rabbitmqdefault-userThe default username for authentication. If unspecified, guest user can access.
default-passThe password for default-user if specified.


The section containers defines the workloads created directly from container images. It provides the flexibility that a developer may bring in any services as long as there's a container image (private container registries are not supported yet).

A container is defined with the following information:

  • image: the container image, following the docker image naming convention;
  • entrypoint, args, cwd: corresponding to ENTRYPOINT, CMD and WORKDIR in docker image configuration;
  • ports: the ports exposed by the container and the protocol;
  • env: environment variables added to the container;
  • probes: the readiness probes;
  • volume_mounts: additional volumes mounted into the container;
  • run_as: run as a specified user/group;
  • snapshot: restore snapshot during creation.

Different from containers run on other system (docker, Kubernetes etc.), all containers running in a Sandbox has the filesystem persisted. Restarting a container workload will not reset the filesystem. So in most cases, it's not necessary to specify an item in volume_mounts unless the volume needs to be shared across multiple containers.
If resetting the file system is needed, rebuilding the container will get everything erases: cs sandbox rebuild -S SANDBOX WORKLOAD.

Volume Mounts

Additional volumes can be mounted into the container, given:

- name: sqlpad
  - name: sqlpad
    path: /var/lib/sqlpad
  - name: files
    path: /etc/config/example.conf
    sub_path: example.conf

The name specifies the name of a volume (defined under volumes section). And path specifies the path inside the container and it must be an absolute path without . or .. in the middle. The final mountpoint can be a directory or a file based on what's mapped in the original volume. When sub_path is being used, it references a path under the original volume.

Run As

By default, the user/group specified in the container image (or root/root when unspecified) is respected. If specified, this will override that in the container image. The value can be either username/groupname or uid/gid. Example:

# All fields are optional
- name: example1
    user: user1
    group: group1
- name: example2
    user: user
- name: example3
    uid: 1000
- name: example4
    uid: 1000
    gid: 900

Container Environment Variables

This is similar to Workspace Environment Variables. The final environment variables are generated from the sources in the order of:

  • Environment variables defined in the container image;
  • App/Sandbox environment variables;
  • Environment variables defined in the container.

Container Snapshot

Snapshot can be taken from volumes of a running container. This is only supported when there are at least one volume_mounts defined in the container backed by a regular persistent volume. The volume_mounts backed by regular persistent volumes are also used as the schema of the snapshot so it can only be restored to a container with the same set of volume_mounts.

Similar to dependency snapshots, during snapshot creation/restoring, the container is temporarily stopped.

Wait For

Same as workspace, the container doesn't start until the workloads in the wait_for list become ready (relying on the readiness probe).


The section volumes defines the volumes referenced by the entries under volume_mounts of containers section.

A volume can be one of the following types:

  • Regular: a persistent volume shared with one or more containers;
  • Content: a read-only volume with predefined content;
  • Secret: a volume containing the content of a Secret;
  • Workspace Filesystem: a volume exposing as a shared file system backend by a workspace.

Regular Volume

A volume defined with only a name represents a regular, persistent volume:

- name: data

A regular volume can be shared by one or more containers. When multiple containers reference the same regular volume, during runtime, these containers may be co-located on the same host under-the-hood, and the volume is shared for reading and writing.

Content Volume

A read-only volume with predefined content. For example:

- name: json_config
    text: |
        "key": "value"
- name: yaml_config
    text: |
      key: value
- name: config
    text: |
      some text information
      another line
- name: binary_config
    binary: !!binary "SGVsbG8gV29ybGQK"

A content volume is mounted as a file inside a container. Either the text or binary value is used as the content of the file as-is.

When the content is updated in the App Definition, the file inside the container will reflect the change immediately after the sandbox is in sync.

Secret Volume

A read-only volume with content from a shared secret.

- name: cred
    name: shared-cred

A secret volume is mounted as a file inside a container.

Workspace Filesystem Volume

A pseudo volume exposing the root filesystem of a workspace as a shared filesystem.

- name: work
    name: workspace
    prefix: /

The volume is mounted as a remote filesystem inside a container. By default prefix is / which will expose the full root filesystem. If prefix is defined, it will be prepend to every filesystem access request to construct the final path inside the workspace filesystem.

Not all paths in the workspace filesystem is exposed. Mountpoints like /proc, /sys, /dev/shm etc are not exposed.


The section endpoints specifies how the application in a sandbox can be accessed from the Internet so it can be tested end-to-end, advertised as a demo, etc. Most ports exposed by workspaces and dependencies are private inside the sandbox network. An endpoint is used to route traffic from Internet to one of these ports. Only TCP or HTTP endpoints are supported.

HTTP Endpoint

An HTTP endpoint has the capability of routing HTTP requests based on matchers and optionally supports authentication using Single-Sign-On from the sandbox system. For example:

- name: app
    - path_prefix: /
        target: frontend # workspace name
        port: http       # port name defined in the workspace

The property name defines the name of the endpoint and it will also be part of the generated DNS name over the Internet.
The property path_prefix defines a string prefix to literally match the request path. When matched, the request is routed to the destination specified by backend. If multiple rules are specified, the one matches longest wins.

As most of the sandboxes are for development purpose, it's insecure to expose an endpoint to the Internet without access control. By default, all HTTP endpoints are protected by Single-Sign-On from the sandbox system. Without further configuration, only members in the same organization are allowed to access the protected endpoints. For some cases, like the application already implements authentication (e.g. API-only endpoints), or for demo purpose, the Single-Sign-On protection can be explicitly disabled:

- name: api
      disabled: true    # Explicitly disable SSO protection.
    - path_prefix: /
        target: backend # workspace name
        port: api       # port name defined in the workspace

For some demo cases, customers not in the organization are invited to try out. An endpoint can be configured with extra policy that the Single-Sign-On protection will allow or reject based on individual identity:

- name: app
      rules:             # Custom access control policy.
      - regexp: ""
        action: REJECT
      - pattern: ""
        action: REJECT
      - pattern: "*"
        action: ACCEPT
    - path_prefix: /
        target: frontend # workspace name
        port: http       # port name defined in the workspace

The above example will allow all organization members and selected customer emails to access the endpoint. For certain demo only use cases, organization members can also be excluded by setting auth_proxy.disable_defaults to true, for example:

- name: app
      rules:             # Custom access control policy.
      - regexp: ""
        action: REJECT
      - pattern: ""
        action: REJECT
      - pattern: "*"
        action: ACCEPT
      disable_defaults: true # This will not allow organization members
    - path_prefix: /
        target: frontend # workspace name
        port: http       # port name defined in the workspace
Default Path

This is informational only. When specified, the URL opened by clicking the endpoint from the WebConsole will have this path instead of /.

- name: dashboard
    - path_prefix: /
        target: dashboard
        port: http
    path: /dashboard

With above example, the endpoint URL on the WebConsole contains path /dashboard rather then /.

Header Injection

Custom headers can be injected, for example:

- name: app
    - path_prefix: /
        target: dev
        port: http
      X-App-Env: 'sandbox-{{.SandboxID}}'
      X-App-Server: 'sandbox-{{.SandboxID}}'

The value can be a Go template with some variables being substituted.

.OrgOrg name
.SandboxIDCurrent sandbox ID
.SandboxNameCurrent sandbox name
.EndpointDNSSuffixThe suffix (without endpoint name) to construct the full DNS name of an Endpoint. For example:
.EndpointBaseDomainThe base domain of endpoint DNS, e.g.
.EndpointNameThe name of the current endpoint
.EndpointDNSThe DNS of the current endpoint
.SysBaseDomainThe base domain of Crafting system:
.SysDNSSuffixThe suffix to construct DNS names with system base domain, e.g.
.AppDNSSuffixThe suffix to construct endpoint DNS names, e.g.

TCP Endpoint

A TCP endpoint forwards TCP connections to the specified backend:

- name: conn
      target: backend
      port: tcp

TLS is always required for TCP connections, and the endpoint terminates the TLS (without requiring/verifing client certificates) so the backend talks only in plaintext.

Internal Endpoint

An endpoint can be defined as internal which is assigned an internal DNS names and can be accessed by other sandboxes:

- name: foo
  type: INTERNAL

Internal endpoints are assigned a DNS name like NAME--SANDBOX-ORG.sandboxes.internal. So the above endpoint in sandbox (assume name sandbox1) in org (assume name org1) can be accessed from other sandboxes via foo--sandbox1-org1.sandboxes.internal. Note, internal endpoints are exposed with TLS. It's impossible to expose an endpoint without TLS.


A resource in a sandbox represents a collection of resources outside of the sandbox system but managed by the lifecycle of the sandbox. It uses the scripts provided by the user to create, suspend, resume and delete the actual resources which are opaque to the sandbox system.

A resource has 4 lifecycle event hooks, all optional:

  • on_create: the hook is executed during sandbox creation;
  • on_delete: the hook is executed before a sandbox is deleted;
  • on_suspend: the hook is executed before a sandbox is suspended;
  • on_resume: the hook is executed right after the sandbox is resumed.

Each hook will use a workspace to execute the script. As a common practice, the workspace checks out the repository containing the scripts and providing the environment for execution.

It can be defined as a list of resources, for example

- name: dev
  - path: src
- name: aws
  brief: Dev Resources on AWS
  details: |
    Created [resource]({{state.resource_link}})
      save_state: true
      max_retries: 3
      timeout: 600s
      use_workspace: dev
        name: dev
        require_build: true
          dir: src
          cmd: ./scripts/
        - terraform
      use_workspace: dev
        name: dev
          dir: src
          cmd: ./scripts/
      save_state: true
      use_workspace: dev
        name: dev
          dir: src
          cmd: ./scripts/
        - terraform:tf/terrform.tfstate
      use_workspace: dev
        name: dev
          dir: src
          cmd: ./scripts/

Each resource is defined with a name, optional brief (a one sentence summary), optional details (a markdown template), and a list of handlers. Each handler specifies the workspace (via use_workspace) and how to run the script in the workspace (using the Run Schema). The dir property must specify a relative path to the current home directory (not the checkout path).

The save_state flag (mostly used in on_create and on_resume) indicates the output (STDOUT only) of the script is a JSON and should be persisted as the state of the resource. The values in the JSON can be used to render the markdown defined in details, like in the above example, with output of

{"resource_link": ""}

Will be used in details to render the final markdown, like:

Created [resource](

With save_state: true, the output can also be accessed from the workspace file system, located at /run/sandbox/fs/resources/NAME/state. In the above example, NAME is aws.

Note: the most recently executed script will overwrite the state if the corresponding save_state is true. In the above example, the output of on_resume script will overwrite that generated by on_create.

Property max_retries specifies the maximum attempts of retries if the script fails. Specifically for on_suspend and on_delete, failure of the script will prevent the sandbox being suspended or deleted, so the user is able to get into a workspace and debug. A sandbox can be manually, forcibly deleted by ignoring the on_delete hook of resources.

Property timeout specifies the total time allowed for the script, including all retries.

While using a workspace, the script is executed after checkout completes (including the post-checkout hook defined in the Repo Manifest. With require_build: true, the script will be executed after a successful build instead of checkout completion.

The list of artifacts provides hints about additional information generated by the script. For example, the value terraform indicates the script involved Terraform and generated terraform.tfstate in the same directory, so the sandbox system will attempt to visualize the Terraform states in the WebConsole. Alternatively terraform:dir/file specifies an alternative path related to the working directory for the Terraform state file.

Terraform Support

If Terraform is used as the only tool for provisioning the resources, a simpler format can be used:

- AWS_REGION=us-west1
- name: dev
  - path: src
- name: aws
  brief: Dev Resources on AWS
  details: |
    EC2 instance id: {{state.instance_id}}
    save_state: true
    workspace: dev
    # Same as above.
    require_build: false
    # The directory (relative to home dir) containing the main terraform module.
    dir: deploy/tf
      max_retries: 3
      timeout: 600s
      # command is optional, only used if the executable is not "terraform".
      command: tf
      # additional command line arguments.
      - 'arg passed to terraform directly, can use ${ENV_VAR}'
      # additional env variables.
        instance_type: 't2.micro'
        region: '${AWS_REGION}'
    # If specified, the value of the output will be used as the output of this
    # lifecycle hook. Otherwise, the full terraform output in JSON is used:
    #   terraform output -json
    output: instance

The system knows how to run terraform. With the above example, the system will run terraform apply for on_create hook and terraform destroy for on_delete hook, and uses the full terraform output in JSON (unless output is specified) as the state. The hooks for on_suspend and on_resume are undefined by default. To explicitly enable on_suspend and on_resume hooks, add on_suspend explicitly and it will also enable on_resume to use exactly the same config as on_create:

- name: dev
  - path: src
- name: aws
  brief: Dev Resources on AWS
    workspace: dev
    dir: deploy/tf
      timeout: 600s
        instance_type: 't2.micro'
        instance_count: '0'

The above example will run terraform apply with special variable instance_count=0 during sandbox suspension, and terraform apply same as on_create.

By default, on_delete uses the same configuration as on_create, but runs terraform destroy. If special configuration is needed for terraform destroy, define on_delete explicitly:

- name: dev
  - path: src
- name: aws
  brief: Dev Resources on AWS
    workspace: dev
    dir: deploy/tf
      timeout: 600s
        instance_type: 't2.micro'
        delete_var: special

More examples can be found in this repository.


The customizations section in the definition provides additional information for special features and extensibility.

UI Widget for Env

Sandbox-level environment variables can be customized to show additional UI widgets on the sandbox creation page in the WebConsole, so a user can simply select from a set of predefined values for a specific environment variable without carefully typing in which is error-prune.

- INSTANCE_TYPE=t2.micro
- env:
    display_name: EC2 Instance Type
    description: The instance type for the additional EC2 VM
      default: t2.micro
      - t2.micro
      - t3.medium
      - t3.large
- env:
    name: APP_NAME
    display_name: The name of the app
    - regexp: '^[a-z][a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9]$'

Property name must match the environment variable defined in env.

Property display_name must be specified in order to show the widget in the WebConsole.

Edit Box

Without additional config, an edit box is shown on the sandbox creation page for the environment variable. Additional validators can be specified for the value entered by the user.


With choice, a dropdown selector is shown on the sandbox creation page. The default value is the first item in the options list unless explicitly specified.

Editable Selection

With choice and editable: true, for example:

- APP_TYPE=simple
- env:
    name: APP_TYPE
    display_name: App type
    description: The type of the app, or enter your own
      editable: true
      - simple
      - multiple
      - extra
    - regexp: '^[a-z][a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9]$'

It shows an editable dropdown.

Sandbox Flavor

A sandbox flavor is a named preset which defines the information used to create a new sandbox. With sandbox flavors defined in customizations section, the user can simply select one during sandbox creation instead of specifying every detail. Here's an example:

- flavor:
    name: Standard # The flavor name
    default: true  # If true, this flavor is selected by default on sandbox creation
    - FOO=BAR      # Environment variables appended to the sandbox-scope env list
    - FOO1=${FOO}1 # Expansion is supported
    workspaces: # Configure specific workspaces
      dev:           # This must be the name of the workspace
        auto: true   # Put the workspace in AUTO mode
        - KEY=VALUE  # Append to the workspace-scope env list
        checkouts:   # Override specified checkouts in the workspace
        - path: src  # This is used to match the defined checkout in the Template
          version_spec: develop # Override the version_spec to use develop branch
    excludes:   # Exclude the specified workloads during sandbox creation 
    - testloader
    - test-db

A flavor is able to define configurations (all optional) covering:

  • Sandbox scoped environment variables
  • Workspace scoped environment variables
  • Put workspace in AUTO mode
  • Checkout version spec
  • Exclude workloads from the sandbox
Environment Variables

The top-level env specifies the sandbox-scoped environment variables. They are appended to the env list defined in the Template. The env under workspaces appends environment variables to the list of the workspace. Regarding how the final environment variables are generated, please read environment variables.

Workspace Mode

Add auto: true to a workspace will put the workspace into AUTO mode during sandbox creation. Regarding the mode, please read auto follow for more information.

Checkout Version Spec

First define path: PATH to match the checkout defined in the workspace from the Template, and then use version_spec to specify a new version spec.

Exclude Workloads

When a Template defines many workloads, sometimes a sandbox is created for specific tasks which only need a subset of the workloads. In this case, flavor is the most convenient way to define a sub-graph of workloads to be activated in the sandbox. List the names of workloads here to exclude those. The name can be any of the workspaces, dependencies, containers or resources. Note: sandbox creation may fail if the exclusion list breaks the dependency graph (introduced by wait_for property of workloads, or use_workspace in resources.