
Command Line Tool


The only CLI cs can be used outside the Crafting Sandbox system (e.g. your laptop, local machine) or inside a workspace, where the CLI is already installed.

Type cs or cs help to view the list of sub-commands and flags. Use cs COMMAND --help (or cs help COMMAND) to get help of a specific command.

Output and Interactive Mode

Based on the terminal, the CLI will automatically determine whether to support colored output and enable interactive mode.

The CLI outputs all human-readable sentences on STDERR as well as error messages.
It reserves STDOUT for structured data output, like JSON or YAML.
So when piping the output, make sure the output is in JSON or YAML (some commands always output JSON or YAML, e.g. cs template show --def).
Colored output can be turned off by setting environment variable CLI_NO_COLOR to a non-empty value, regardless of the actual value.

When interactive mode is enabled, some command line arguments can be omitted or incomplete.
The CLI will interactively prompt the user to select or enter required information.
And text editor (used by cs template create, cs template edit etc) will only be launched in interactive mode.

The interactive mode is disabled in any of the following cases:

  • The terminal is not a TTY;
  • STDIN is closed;
  • Environment variable CLI_SCRIPT is not empty, regardless of the value;
  • Command line flag --output-format (or -o) is specified. Note: this will disable interactive mode and assume the CLI is used by a script for piping input/output.



Create an authenticated session for the CLI and other clients.

$ cs login

████ ▄▄▄▄▄ █▀█ █▄▄█▀ ▀▀▄▀▀█▄▀█ ▄▄▄▄▄ ████
████ █   █ █▀▀▀█ ▀▀ ▀███▄▄████ █   █ ████
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Login with:

It will print the login URL (and a QRCode if you want to scan and login from a phone). Visit the URL in browser to complete login process.

  • -t: followed by a login token to login with it. See Service Account and Login Token for more details. Remember that if you are using self-hosted Crafting, please specify first CRAFTING_SANDBOX_SERVER_URL=


Display detailed information about the current client.

$ cs info

USER Demo Me
    FINGERPINT                                         COMMENT      CURRENT
    SHA256:M0JDLwPWPnuIixDDIRbxDCwoTgRmbj1YAZqbFZQLqyI dev          *      
SECRET default-ssh-0
Version: 16aa9d024b577309
UpdatedAt: 03 Nov 12:47:19
CreatedAt: 03 Nov 12:47:19
Type: SSHKey
State: READY
SSH Authorized Key
ssh-rsa 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

Fingerprint: SHA256:DSF5PZ+LDK7G4M3gFlp1RpTPDs02GNoPmJmZc8aqoc4

The AUTHORIZED SSH KEYS lists SSH authorized keys that can be used to access a workspace. The marker * indicate the authorized key used by the current client.

The section SECRET default-ssh-0 provides the public key information of the generated and managed SSH keypair by the Crafting Sandbox system for the current user. This will be used to checkout (and push) code if SSH protocol is specified for a git repository (like git@...). If that's the case, this public key must be added to the git source control system (for GitHub, follow the doc).


List and show the organization information.

$ cs org list
$ cs org show


List, show and manipulate Templates.


Create a new Template from Sandbox Definition.

$ cs template create NAME DEFINITION-FILE.(json|yaml)|-

The Sandbox Definition is read from a JSON or YAML file or from STDIN (when - is specified for DEFINITION-FILE).
If read from STDIN, the format must be explicitly specified using --format (or -f).
If no arguments are specified, and interactive mode is enabled, the CLI will ask for the name
and launch an editor (from env EDITOR or editor command) to edit the definition.

  • --format, -f: The format of DEFINITION-FILE: json or yaml. Default is to guess from file extension if DEFINITION-FILE is a file.
$ cs template create dev1 def1.yaml
$ cs template create dev1 - --format=yaml <def1.yaml
$ cat def1.json | cs template create dev1 - -f json
$ cs template create # This will ask for name and launch an editor.


List Templates.

$ cs template list

NAME VERSION          UPDATED_AT      CREATED_AT      CREATED_BY            #W #EP
demo 16be90c0ca3b18b1 07 Dec 19:47:52 07 Dec 18:56:40  5  2

The list shows Template's NAME, VERSION, UPDATED_AT, CREATED_AT, CREATED_BY and number of workloads (including workspaces and dependencies) and number of endpoints. The time shown in the list is local time, in the shortest form (date will be suppressed if on the same day). The VERSION will change when the Template is updated.

  • --columns, -c: Select columns: +COLUMN makes COLUMN visible, and -COLUMN hides COLUMN. Example: -c +UPDATED_AT,-CREATED_AT.


Show the details of the Template.

$ cs template show NAME

If name is not specified, and interactive mode is enabled, it will prompt for selection an Template.

  • --def, -d: Print Definition (default in YAML, can be overridden by --format (or -f)) instead of the details of the Template. The output can be used for cs template create or cs template update.


Update the Definition.

$ cs template update NAME DEFINITION-FILE.(json|yaml)|-

The Definition is read from a JSON or YAML file or from STDIN (when - is specified for DEFINITION-FILE).
If read from STDIN, the format must be explicitly specified using --format (or -f).
If no arguments are specified, and interactive mode is enabled, the CLI will ask for the name
and launch an editor (from env EDITOR or editor command) to edit the definition.

  • --format, -f: The format of DEFINITION-FILE: json or yaml. Default is to guess from file extension if DEFINITION-FILE is a file.


Remove a Template.

$ cs template remove NAME

The sandboxes created using this App will not be affected, however they can no longer be updated.

  • --force, -f: Force remove without confirmation.


List, show and manipulate sandboxes.


Create a new sandbox.

$ cs sandbox create NAME

Use the flags to specify the details.

  • --template, -t: The name of Template used for creating the sandbox;
  • --auto, -A: The name of a workspace to run in AUTO mode. Use * to put all workspaces in AUTO mode;
  • --override, -D: Specify override rules: WORKLOAD/rule=value, see rules;
  • --auth-proxy, -p: Specify auth proxy config: ENDPOINT_NAME=[Y|N][[:A|R PATTERN]...]:
    • Y|N specified whether auth proxy is enabled or disabled;
    • Each rule starts with : and A|R specifies ACCEPT or REJECT, and PATTERN matches email.
  • --wait: Wait for the sandbox becoming ready. This is default, specify --wait=false to not wait.
# Create a sandbox using demo Template
$ cs sandbox create demo1 -t demo

# Create a sandbox for preview purpose, leave all workspaces in AUTO mode
$ cs sandbox create demo1 -t demo -A '*'

# Create a sandbox for checkout an alternative branch and change the home snapshot
$ cs sandbox create demo1 -t demo \
    -D 'dev/checkout[src/demo].version=preview1' \
    -D 'dev/home=home/preview'

# Create a sandbox using a old version of package
$ cs sandbox create demo1 -t demo -D 'dev/package[golang]=1.16.2'

# Create a sandbox with a different mysql database name
$ cs sandbox create demo1 -t demo -D 'mysql/property.database=previewdb'

# Create a sandbox with mysql pre-populated from a snapshot
$ cs sandbox create demo1 -t demo -D 'mysql/snapshot=mysql/preview/20211105'

# Create a sandbox with auth proxy OFF
$ cs sandbox create demo1 -t demo --auth-proxy 'app=N'

# Create a sandbox allowing external visitors to access the endpoint
$ cs sandbox create demo1 -t demo --auth-proxy 'app=Y:A v*'


Update a sandbox.

$ cs sandbox update NAME

Without additional flags, the sandbox is synchronized with the changes of the current Template. It does nothing if Template hasn't been changed since the creation (or last update) of the sandbox.
With flags, the update may alter certain overrides. See below.

  • --override, -D: Specify override: WORKLOAD/rule=value, see rules;
  • --mode, -m: Change workspace mode: WORKSPACE-NAME=AUTO|MANUAL (or a|m);
  • --auth-proxy, -p: Specify auth proxy config, see sandbox creation flags;
  • --set-all, -A: Ignore existing overrides, and create overrides and workspace modes completely from the command line;
  • --no-sync: when only --mode (or -m) is specified, do not synchronize the changes from the App, only change the modes.
# Sync the sandbox with it's Template
$ cs sandbox update demo1

# Only change workspace mode to MANUAL
$ cs sandbox update demo1 -m dev=MANUAL --no-sync

# Disable auth proxy
$ cs sandbox update demo1 --auth-proxy app=N


List sandboxes.

$ cs sandbox list

demo1 Ready demo  01 Dec 04:35:36 01 Dec 04:35:36 5  2

The STATE of a sandbox may show up with the following values:

  • SettingUp: some of the workspaces and dependencies are still being configured, setting up (including code checkout and build);
  • Ready: all workspaces and dependencies are working (code checked out, and built, processes launched);
  • Problematic: at least one of the workspaces or dependencies encountered some errors which can be:
    • Failures during setup, including code checkout, and build;
    • Some processes are not running;
    • Readiness probes yield negative results.
  • Failed: this indicates serious problem that the sandbox can't be up. Contact support if you see this;
  • Suspended: the sandbox was suspended (either manually or automatically), use cs sandbox resume to resume it.
  • --columns, -c: Select columns: +COLUMN makes COLUMN visible, and -COLUMN hides COLUMN. Example: -c +UPDATED_AT,-CREATED_AT.


Show the details of a sandbox.

$ cs sandbox show NAME


Suspend a sandbox manually.

$ cs sandbox suspend NAME

Suspend will immediately change the sandbox STATE to be Suspended. However it may take a while for the workspaces and dependencies to freeze.


Resume a suspended sandbox.

$ cs sandbox resume NAME

Some commands will automatically resume a sandbox if it's suspended. Use this command to manually resume a sandbox.

  • --wait: Wait for the sandbox becoming ready. This is default, specify --wait=false to not wait.


Edit the Definition of the sandbox. If the sandbox is created from a Template, it is detached from the template. That means the sandbox owns its definition and will no longer be able to sync changes from that Template. Also the sandbox will not be able to attach to any Template.

$ cs sandbox edit NAME
  • --from: read the new definition from the specified file (- for reading from STDIN), rather than launching an interactive editor;
  • --keep: if the sandbox was created with additional configurations (workspace AUTO mode, extra environment variables), keep those when applying the new definition. By default they will be discarded;
  • --wait: Wait for the sandbox becoming ready after applying the new definition;
  • --force: always continue without confirmation.


Delete a sandbox.

$ cs sandbox remove NAME

WARNING: Sandbox removal is permanent. All data in workspaces and dependencies will be lost and is UNRECOVERABLE.

  • --force, -f: Force remove without confirmation.

Sandbox Override Rules

These are the rules used by cs sandbox create or cs sandbox update to override the settings in the Definition used by the sandbox. The format is WORKLOAD-NAME/rule=VALUE.
The rules are:

  • For workspaces:
    • checkout[PATH].PROPERTY=VALUE (alias co): override a checkout property:
      • repo: VALUE is a string, in the format of SCHEME:URI, where SCHEME can be git or github. A list of examples:
        • git:<>
        • github:org/repo
      • version_spec (alias version): the value can be one of
        • a branch name
        • a tag name
        • a commit hash
    • package[NAME]=VERSION (alias pkg): override the version of a package to be used;
    • portforward[LOCAL]=HOST:PORT (alias pf): override the local port forwarding rule;
    • base=SNAPSHOT_NAME: override the base snapshot;
    • home=SNAPSHOT_NAME: override the home snapshot;
    • env[KEY]=VAL: inject/override the environment variable.
  • For dependencies:
  • For containers:
    • snapshot=SNAPSHOT_NAME: override the container snapshot;
    • env[KEY]=VAL: inject/override the environment variable.

See examples above.


Pin a sandbox to be always running (without being automatically suspended). This is useful when a sandbox is used for demo purpose (mostly with AUTO mode on).

$ cs sandbox pin NAME   # Keep sandbox running
$ cs sandbox unpin NAME # Sandbox can be auto-suspended

Access Control

Specify/View the access level of a sandbox.

$ cs sandbox access private # Set to private mode
$ cs sandbox access shared  # Set to shared mode (the default)
$ cs sandbox access show    # Show the current setting.

Please read Sandbox Access Control for more details.

Workspace Restricted Mode

Request the workspace to exit the restricted mode .

$ cs sandbox restriction disable WORKSPACE-NAME

Lifecycle Related

Resolve lifecycle hook failures.

$ cs sandbox lifecycle resolve -S SANDBOX -a ACTION [TARGET[:ACTION]]...

Resolve all or specified lifecycle hook failures using the specified ACTION. If no TARGET is specified, all failures are resolved. If any TARGET is specified, only failures on those targets (workspace name, or resource name) are resolved. A TARGET can be suffixed with :ACTION to resolve using this specific action.

An ACTION can be one of:

  • retry: run the lifecycle hook again, this is the default;
  • skip: ignore the failure, assume the hook has completed successfully and move the lifecycle transition to the next state;
  • abort: only used for a running lifecycle hook (effectively not a resolution), to abort the execution, and mark the hook as failed due to abort.


Snapshot related commands.


Create a snapshot.

$ cs snapshot create NAME

This command is able to create a workspace base snapshot, home snapshot or dependency service snapshot. See flags below to determine which kind of snapshot is being created.
When using this command, the target must be a workspace, or a dependency which supports snapshots.

NOTE: during dependency snapshot creation, the dependency service will be stopped temporarily. And it will be resumed after snapshot is created. For base/home snapshots, the workspace is still accessible, however please try to avoid writing files to the file system during that procedure. Otherwise, some incomplete files may be included in the snapshot.

All snapshots share the same namespace regardless of the type, so it's recommended defining a naming convention to avoid conflicts. One proposal is using a format like TYPE-NAME-REV, where TYPE is the snapshot type, e.g. base, home, mysql etc. and NAME indicates the purpose of the snapshot, while REV reflects the revision which can be a date like YYYYMMDD or a monotonic version number. For example (not necessary to follow):

  • Base snapshots are named as base-NAME-REV, like base-backend-r1;
  • Home snapshots are named as home-NAME-REV, like home-frontend-20221010;
  • Dependency snapshots are named as SERVICE-TYPE-NAME-REV, like mysql-test-2.

Additional prefixes can be added to further separate among sub-teams or persons:

  • Base snapshots used by a team: team1-base-frontend-3
  • Personal home snapshot: alan-home-frontend-1
  • --workload, -W: Specify the workload name in the format of SANDBOX/WORKLOAD. If the target is a dependency, a dependency snapshot is created. Otherwise, based on --home flag to determine if it's a home snapshot or base snapshot;
  • --home: Create a home snapshot. The target must be a workspace;
  • --personal: Create a Personal Snapshot;
  • --set-personal-default: Only valid with --personal to set the current snapshot as the Default Personal Snapshot;
  • --force, -f: Overwrite an existing snapshot (if NAME already exists) without confirmation.


List snapshots.

$ cs snapshot list
  • --columns, -c: Select columns: +COLUMN makes COLUMN visible, and -COLUMN hides COLUMN. Example: -c +UPDATED_AT,-CREATED_AT.


Show the details of a snapshot.

$ cs snapshot show NAME


Restore a dependency snapshot.

$ cs snapshot restore NAME

Only a dependency supporting snapshots can be restored from a snapshot. Base and home snapshots for workspaces are only applied during the workspace creation time, and can't be changed later.
NOTE: during snapshot restoring, the dependency service will be stopped temporarily. And it will be resumed after snapshot is restored.

  • --workload, -W: Specify the workload name in the format of SANDBOX/WORKLOAD. The target must be a dependency which supports snapshots.


Remove a snapshot.

$ cs snapshot remove NAME

WARNING: Snapshot removal is permanent. The data in the snapshot is UNRECOVERABLE.
The workspaces and dependencies with snapshot already applied won't be affected. However new sandboxes may fail to be created if the App/Sandbox is referencing a deleted snapshot.

  • --force, -f: Force remove without confirmation.


Personal snapshot related.

$ cs snapshot personal get-default      # Get the current default personal snapshot
$ cs snapshot personal set-default NAME # Set the specified personal snapshot as default.
$ cs snapshot personal set-default NONE # Do not use a personal snapshot.


Secret related commands.

A Secret operated by this command is a small piece (a few KB) of opaque data provided by the user. It's not necessary to be sensitive information. And the data is encrypted at storage.
A Secret has a scope. It's one of:

  • Personal: belonging to a user, regardless of the orgs;
  • Private in org: belonging to a member in org. The user can only access own secrets in the context of that org and the secrets can't be accessed by others;
  • Shared in org: belonging to an org (not a user), and all members in the org has the access to that secret.


Create a secret.

$ cs secret create NAME

A secret is created with private in org scope by default unless --shared flags is specified. Personal secrets can't be created from the CLI.

  • --shared: Create a shared secret in the current org;
  • --from, -f: Read content from a FILE or - (STDIN). This flag is required;
  • --restricted: Set the access restriction to Admin Only so this secret can only be mounted in workspaces which are running in Restricted mode .


List secrets.

$ cs secret list

This command lists all the secrets the user has access to, including:

  • Personal secrets;
  • Private secrets in the current org;
  • Shared secrets in the current org.
  • --user, -u: List personal secrets rather than org scoped secrets;
  • --columns, -c: Select columns: +COLUMN makes COLUMN visible, and -COLUMN hides COLUMN. Example: -c +UPDATED_AT,-CREATED_AT.


Show the details of a secret, without revealing the content.

$ cs secret show NAME


Remove a secret.

$ cs secret remove NAME

Only a secret in the current org is to be removed by default, unless --user flag is specified.
Some secrets (e.g. generated and managed by the system) can't be removed.

  • --user, -u: Remove a personal secret rather than the one in the current org;
  • --force, -f: Force remove without confirmation.

Access Restriction

Update the access restriction.

$ cs secret restrict NAME -a MODE

Where MODE can be one of the values:

  • default: regular secret, shared in org and any member is able to access;
  • admin-only: the access is restricted to admin only, so the secret is only mounted in workspaces which are running in Restricted mode .

Dependency Service

Retrieve information about dependency services.

$ cs dependency-service list
$ cs dependency-service show NAME

When creating a Definition, it's important to inspect the details of a dependency service using cs dependency-service show to figure out:

  • Exposed ports of the service (name, port number and protocol);
  • Properties
  • Available versions

Tool Packages

List available tool packages.

$ cs package list


This is a shortcut for setting workspace mode: AUTO or MANUAL.

$ cs mode auto
$ cs mode manual
  • --workspace, -W: Specify the workspace in the format of SANDBOX/WORKSPACE. If unspecified, it will target the current workspace (if the CLI runs inside a workspace), or prompt for a selection.


Start an SSH session to a workspace.

$ cs ssh

When passing flags to ssh, put them after --. For example:

$ cs ssh -- /myscript --script-flag
$ cs ssh -- -t -L 8080:localhost:8080 /myapp
  • --workspace, -W: Specify the workspace in the format of SANDBOX/WORKSPACE. If unspecified, it will prompt for a selection.


Run scp to copy files to/from a workspace.


Similar to ssh command, flags passing to scp should be placed after --, for example:



Run rsync between a local folder and a folder in a workspace.


Flags passed to rsync should be placed after --.


Mount a path in a workspace to a local directory using sshfs which must be installed on the system the CLI runs.



Run mutagen for a two-way sync session between a local directory and one in a workspace. Mutagen must be installed on the system the CLI runs.


This command will run in the foreground until the sync session is over. Stop the command (using Ctrl-C) will also stop the sync session.


Launch WebIDE in browser.

$ cs ide [PATH|.|~]

Launch WebIDE in browser and opens a checkout or home directory if . or ~ is specified as the argument.

  • --workspace, -W: Specify the workspace in the format of SANDBOX/WORKSPACE. If unspecified, it will prompt for a selection.


Launch a local-installed VSCode to connect to a workspace using SSH remote development extension.

$ cs vscode [PATH|.|~]

Launch a local-installed VSCode and opens a checkout or home directory if . or ~ is specified as the argument.

  • --workspace, -W: Specify the workspace in the format of SANDBOX/WORKSPACE. If unspecified, it will prompt for a selection.

JetBrains IDE

Currently remote development is supported using JetBrains Gateway:

$ cs jetbrains

This command will automatically download JetBrains Gateway, install Crafting plugin and launch the IDE connected to a remote workspace.

  • --ide=TYPE: Select an IDE type. Default is IntelliJ, other options are GoLand, RubyMine, PyCharm, CLion and WebStorm;
  • --gateway: Launch JetBrains Gateway UI, do not connect automatically.

Daemon Management

Manage daemons inside a workspace. A daemon process must be defined in Repo Manifest.

$ cs ps
$ cs up [DAEMON-NAME...]
$ cs down [DAEMON-NAME...]
$ cs restart [DAEMON-NAME...]

When running inside a workspace, without additional flags (--workspace or -W), the CLI targets the current workspace.

  • --workspace, -W: Specify the workspace in the format of SANDBOX/WORKSPACE. If unspecified, it will prompt for a selection.

Job Management

Manage jobs inside a workspace.

$ cs job enable [JOB-NAME...]
$ cs job disable [JOB-NAME...]

When running inside a workspace, without additional flags (--workspace or -W), the CLI targets the current workspace.

  • --workspace, -W: Specify the workspace in the format of SANDBOX/WORKSPACE. If unspecified, it will prompt for a selection.


View tail logs of daemons, setup actions etc.

$ cs log NAME

The CLI will try to match the best target based on NAME for fetching logs. It may prompt for a selection if multiple matches are available. With flags, the scopes can be further narrowed.

  • --workspace, -W: Specify the workspace in the format of SANDBOX/WORKSPACE. If unspecified, it will target the current workspace if running inside it, or prompt for a selection;
  • --action, -a: Match NAME against the action names in a task (specified by --task);
  • --task, -t: Specify task name, only used when --action is in use;
  • --kind, -k: Match specific process type (exclusive from --action), one of:
    • daemon or d: for daemons;
    • job or j: for jobs.
  • --path, -p: Specify the checkout path for matching the process;
  • --lines, -n: Number of lines to print from the tail log, default is the same as tail command;
  • --follow, -f: Watch and follow new logs.
# Show the only daemon log or select one
$ cs log
# Show Build log during setup
$ cs log -a build
# Follow daemon log
$ cs log -f server
# Tail more lines and follow
$ cs log -n 1000 -f server

Port Forward

Bi-directional port-forwarding between local and a workspace.

$ cs port-forward

By default, this command will establish port forwarding between local machine (where the CLI runs) and a workspace (usually specified by --workspace flag):

  • All ports defined in the workspace are forwarded from workspace to local machine (localhost) with the same destination port numbers;
  • All rules defined in port_forward_rules are forwarded from local machine to the workspace. The CLI tries to listen on the local ports as specified by port_forward_rules, however it may fail if the port is already in-use, and the CLI will skip that rule and keep others running.

The default behavior can be overridden by flags.

  • --workspace, -W: Specify the workspace in the format of SANDBOX/WORKSPACE. If unspecified, it will prompt for a selection;
  • --skip-exposed-ports, -P: Skip all exposed ports on the workspace;
  • --skip-forward-rules, -F: Skip all rules in port_forward_rules;
  • --reverse, -R: Specify an explicit incoming forwarding rule, in the format of REMOTE-PORT:LOCAL-HOST:LOCAL-PORT, where
    • REMOTE-PORT: a port number on the workspace and it is not necessary one of the exposed ports;
    • LOCAL-HOST: a hostname that the traffic will be forward to, it can be localhost or any hostname that's reachable from the local machine;
    • LOCAL-PORT: a port on the host specified by LOCAL-HOST that a connection will be forwarded to.
  • --local, -L: Specify an explicit outgoing forwarding rule, in one of the formats:
    • LOCAL-PORT:REMOTE-PORT: forward localhost:LOCAL-PORT to REMOTE-PORT (a port number) on the workspace;
    • LOCAL-PORT:HOST:PORT: forward localhost:LOCAL-PORT to remote, based on HOST:
      • HOST is localhost: PORT can be either a number or name of an exposed port, and the forward target is the workspace;
      • HOST is not localhost: then it's must be a workload name, and PORT must match an exposed port of that workload, either by port number or name. The forward target is the specified workload and port.
    • LOCAL-ADDR:LOCAL-PORT:HOST:PORT: same as above rule, however the local listening address is LOCAL-ADDR:LOCAL-PORT instead of localhost:LOCAL-PORT;
# Incoming forward only
$ cs port-forward -F
# Outgoing forward only
$ cs port-forward -P
# Add an incoming forwarding rule
$ cs port-forward -R 8080:localhost:8080
# Specify all rules explicitly (disable defaults)
$ cs port-forward -FP \      # disable the defaults
    -R 8080:localhost:8080 \ # incoming workspace port 8080 to localhost:8080
    -L 9000:9000 \           # outgoing from localhost:9000 to workspace 9000
    -L 5000:backend:api \    # outgoing from localhost:5000 to workload "backend" port "api"
    -L 5001:localhost:5001 \ # outgoing from localhost:5001 to workspace localhost:5001
    -L :5002:localhost:5001  # outgoing from *:5002 to workspace localhost:5001


Run a command inside a container workload.

$ cs exec -- command...
$ cs exec -W SANDBOX/WORKLOAD -- command...
$ cs exec --tty -- command ... # Force using TTY
$ cs exec -T -- command...     # Force disabling TTY
  • --tty, -t: Force using TTY;
  • --disable-tty, -T: Disable TTY;
  • --uid, -U: Run as the specified UID.


Wait for a sandbox to become ready or a workload to become ready.

$ cs wait sandbox NAME     # Wait until the sandbox state becomes Ready or Problematic/Failed
$ cs wait service WORKLOAD # Wait for the readiness of a workload

The command cs wait service is useful to synchronize the initialization between multiple workloads. For example, a workspace needs to seed some data into a database during the build process (e.g. automatically triggered, during setup), and it's possible the dependency (e.g. mysql) is still being started and not ready yet. In this case, the build hook script of the workspace can include cs wait service command, like:


cs wait service mysql
  • --timeout: Maximum duration to wait. If unspecified (or zero value), it will wait indefinitely. The value is suffixed by a unit of h (hour), m (minute), s (second) or ms (millisecond). For example: 1h, 5m, 300ms, or 6m30s, etc;
  • --sandbox, -S: Only applies to cs wait service command. When used, the CLI may run outside of a workspace, or wait for a workload in a different sandbox. The value is the sandbox name.


Run the docker command with credential-helper hooked. This is used when pushing an image to the org-scoped private container registry.

$ cs docker -- push

Inside Workspace Only

The following command are available when the CLI is running inside a workspace.

Run Hook

Run a hook script defined in Repo Manifest.

$ cs run-hook NAME

The NAME can be post-checkout or build. The hook script is directly run in foreground by the CLI, not by the workspace agent. This is for debugging purpose as there may be slightly difference between the CLI environment and the workspace agent.


This is a shortcut for cs run-hook build.

$ cs build

Banner Control

By default, a welcome banner is displayed when an interactive shell is opened (via SSH or VSCode terminal).
This can be suppressed by mute/unmute command.

$ cs banner mute   # Do not display the banner
$ cs banner unmute # Display the banner

Endpoint Alias



It creates an Endpoint Alias with name specified by ENDPOINT-ALIAS-NAME. The final DNS is derived from that name and the org name. For example, cs endpoint-alias create foo in org bar will generate the DNS

When SANDBOX-NAME and ENDPOINT-NAME is specified, the newly created Endpoint Alias is assigned to that endpoint, or it's Unassigned.


$ cs endpoint-alias list

It shows a list of all Endpoint Aliases.



The assignment can be changed at any time. If SANDBOX-NAME and ENDPOINT-NAME are unspecified, the Endpoint Alias becomes Unassigned.


$ cs endpoint-alias remove ENDPOINT-ALIAS-NAME

Service Account and Login Token

$ cs org service-account create NAME --display-name "DISPLAY NAME" --role ROLE
$ cs org service-account remove NAME
$ cs org login-token create ACCOUNT_EMAIL --valid-since TIME --expiry TIME \
  --redirect-path PATH --url
$ cs org login-token remove PARTIAL_TOKEN
$ cs org login-token list
$ cs org login-token show PARTIAL_TOKEN

When create/remove a service account, only NAME is provided, and it will generate the account email as NAME@org.sandbox. DISPLAY NAME is optional. Additional ROLE can be specified with one or more --role flags. Current available roles are: org-admin.

When create a Login Token, the full ACCOUNT_EMAIL must be provided, e.g. NAME@org.sandbox. The flags --valid-since and --expiry is highly recommended. The value can be one of the following formats:

  • +DUR: now plus a duration, e.g. +30m, +4h, +1h20m, etc;
  • -DUR: now minus a duration, e.g. -30m, -4h, -1h20m;
  • @TIME: at a specific time, e.g. @12:10, @2022-06-07 21:30:00

The --redirect-path can be specified to redirect to the specified path after login on the Web Console.
When --url is specified, the full login URL is printed instead of the token itself.

For remove and show commands of Login Token, a sub-string in the token can be provided as PARTIAL_TOKEN and the command will match the token.

A Login Token can be shared with a non-member of the organization to login from:

  • Web Console: <>
  • CLI: cs login -t TOKEN Remember that if you are using self-hosted Crafting, please specify first CRAFTING_SANDBOX_SERVER_URL=

For CLI use, a more secure practice is to put the token in a file, and use the following environment to point to the file, for example:

$ export CRAFTING_SANDBOX_AUTH_TOKEN_FILE=/somefolder/token
$ cs login


$ cs login

External Infrastructure and Kubernetes

For the details about Kubernetes support, please read Setup for Kubernetes.

Connect a Kubernetes Cluster

$ cs infra connect kubernetes [NAME]

It installs the Crafting Kubernetes Agent into the current cluster and registers the cluster in the Crafting system under NAME which is only used on the Crafting system side for referencing the cluster and not necessary to be the exact cluster name.

  • --subnets: a comma-separated CIDRs represents the subnets accessible in the cluster, and the agent will tunnel through the sandbox to access these subnets when interception is on. If unspecified, the command will try to detect the in-cluster Pod subnet and Service subnet. If failed, it will prompt for entering the CIDRs manually. Specifically for AWS EKS clusters, as they are using VPC subnets directly, the command won't be able to detect the Service subnet. In this case, simply provide the VPC CIDR;
  • --apiserver-proxy-clusterrole: The cluster role that the API server proxy will run under. This is also the identity used for the sandboxes to access the API server. For most development usage, the default value is cluster-admin;
  • --disable-apiserver-proxy: Disable the API server proxy completely. Sandboxes won't be able to access the API server through the agent. Additional setup is required (see Setup for Kubernetes) if API server access is still desired.

List Connected Clusters

$ cs infra list

Disconnect a Cluster

$ cs infra disconnect [NAME]

This command will uninstall the Crafting Kubernetes agent and unregister the cluster from the Crafting system.

Before the operation, the command will perform some checks and aborts if there's any error. The flag --ignore-check-errors can be used to continue the operation if there're errors. However agent uninstallation will be disabled if there's any error. As a result, the cluster is unregistered with agent still running inside. With --force-uninstall, the uninstallation will be attempted after the cluster is unregistered.

To manually uninstall the agent, simply delete the namespace crafting-sandbox.

  • --ignore-check-errors: continue unregistering the cluster even there were check errors;
  • --force-uninstall: always attempt uninstalling the agent even there were check errors.

CLI Extensions

A CLI extension is an executable with file name like cs-FOO, so the command cs FOO will invoke the executable cs-FOO with rest of the command line arguments.
An extension can be placed in any folder that can be looked up in PATH environment variable, or a git repository containing these files can be installed.

$ cs extensions install
$ cs extensions install
$ cs extensions install /absolute-path-to-a-local-folder
$ cs extensions list
$ cs extensions uninstall [PARTIAL-NAME]


Only two kinds of sources can be installed:

  • A git repository
  • A local folder

The same git repository but with different versions (branch/tag) are treated as different sources.

When looking up an extension command, the installed git repository will be updated automatically based on the default or specified version.

  • --version: this is only used when a git repository is installed. Default is the master branch;
  • --subdir: specify a sub directory inside the installed repository or folder for extension executables. By default, only the top-level directory is searched. The extension executables are only looked up in one level of directory, not recursively.


When uninstalling a git repository, the original repository URL and version must be matched. From the command line, partial content of the original URL can be provided, and the CLI will help to match the installed sources. If there are multiple matched, the user is asked to select one of them.